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Client Libraries

Several JS packages are provided to handle URL interpolation and requests.

You can select which one to use by configuring client_library, which also enables you to target your own code instead.


The default client. Uses fetch to avoid additional dependencies.


Choose it if already using axios, or have a complex use case with extensive usage of interceptors.


Allows you to easily submit forms and make requests using your existing configuration in Inertia.js.


Choose it if already using redaxios, for consistency within your codebase.

Usage ๐Ÿš€

The methods are fully typed, and documented using JSDoc.

Here a few examples when using @js-from-routes/client, more examples coming soon.

Importing helpers

If you use Vite Rails, aliases will allow you to import these files as:

import { videoClips } from '~/api'
// or
import VideoClipsApi from '~/api/VideoClipsApi'

When using webpack, it's highly recommended to add an alias to simplify imports.

Passing parameters

You can pass a plain object as parameters; properties will be interpolated on any matching placeholders (:id) in the URL.

const video = { id: 5, title: 'New Wave' } == "/video_clips/5/download"

Missing parameters will throw an error providing the full context.

Submitting data

You can pass data to specify the request body, just like in axios.

videoClips.update({ params: video, data: { title: 'New Waves' } })

By default, the CSRF token will be extracted using the same conventions in @rails/ujs.

Obtaining the raw response

By default, JSON responses are automatically unwrapped.

If you need access to the response, or are using MIME types, pass responseAs:

const response = await{ params: video, responseAs: 'response' })

The type of the response object depends on which library you are using.

For example, it will be an AxiosResponse if using @js-from-routes/axios.

Configuring Requests โš™๏ธ

You can configure the defaults in all clients by using Config:

import { Config } from '@js-from-routes/client'

Config.baseUrl = process.env.API_BASE_URL

Disabling Case Conversion

By default, object keys are camelCased when deserialized, and snake_cased when sent back to the server, but you can disable this behavior.

const noop = val => val
Config.deserializeData = noop
Config.serializeData = noop

Other Options

You can provide default headers, intercept all requests, handle response errors, and more.

A new section documenting all available configuration options will be added soon.

In the meantime, refer to the source code.

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