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This section lists a few common gotchas, and bugs introduced in the past.

Please skim through before opening an issue.

Could not resolve "@js-from-routes/core"

Some package managers do not install peerDependencies, while others do.

Try adding the missing package explicitly:

npm install @js-from-routes/core # yarn add @js-from-routes/core

Imports in the generated code are not working

Make sure that you have added one of the client libraries to your package.json and that the packages are installed.

Changes to my custom templates are not being picked up

Modifying the template should change the cache key, so you might have introduced additional dependencies in your custom template.

Try forcing regeneration by running:

JS_FROM_ROUTES_FORCE=true bin/rake js_from_routes:generate

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Please visit GitHub Issues to report bugs you find, and GitHub Discussions to make feature requests, or to get help.

Don't hesitate to ⭐️ star the project if you find it useful!

Using it in production? Always love to hear about it! 😃

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